Space Battleships Comments

aplicatie cu avioane pentru android

Pentru toți cei pasionați de jocul cu avioanele pe hârtie există acum varianta pentru Android adaptata putin. Poate fi jucata atât în modul single player, cât și multiplayer prin conexiune bluetooth cu alt telefon care are instalat jocul. În modul single player ai două nivele de dificultate – beginner și advanced. Jocul necesita cel putin Android 2.2 si il puteti descarca gratuit de pe google play.
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Space Battleships is a remake of the classic game but taken into space. The user can play with the Android AI (has two levels of difficulty) or against a human player via bluetooth.
Having an excellent UI the game offers the user three types of spaceships with different shapes that also have an area considered the head. If you find out the head that ship will be destroyed.
For more information about the gameplay please consult the Help section. Please report any bugs that you find and our team will solve these issues as fast as possible.
Have fun!

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