Paypal mai nou permite alimentarea contului din banci romanesti

De cateva zile Paypal permite si utilizatorilor din Romania sa-si adauge/reincarce fonduri in balanta direct din contul bancar. Sumele pentru depunere pot varia intre 3 si 2000 euro. Bancile operationale pentru astfel de tranzactii le puteti regasi mai jos. Pentru a putea accesa noua optiune o puteti face urmand link-ul sau din meniul site-ului principal “My Account/Top Up Account (Instantly)”.

What is online top-up of PayPal account?
Online top-up of a PayPal account is a new service, which allows PayPal users to top up their PayPal accounts from their own bank account in the short time.
If you do not possess a credit card and there is no money on your PayPal account you don’t have to give up on online shopping. Now you can top-up your PayPal account online if you have an account with one of the following banks:
1. UniCredit Tiriac Bank Romania
2. Raiffeisen Bank Romania
3. Volksbank Romania
4. Bank Leumi Romania
5. Alpha Bank Romania
6. Banca Transilvania Romania
7. Banca Comerciala Romania

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    alimentare cont paypal