Coin Collection Quiz

coin collection

Dezvoltatorii jocului Space BattleShips au lansat ieri unul nou pe nume Coin collection Quiz in care utilizatorul trebuie sa-si testeze abilitatile de recunoastere a monedelor raportate la tari.

Coin collection Quiz is a game where you can test your knowledge of countries and coins. There are 60 levels with coins from different countries and your goal is to find out to which country does the coin belong.
If you don’t know the answer you may ask for a hint, however watch out not to lose all your hint points as they are hard to get. You will receive new hint points as you progress throughout the game.

!!!! More: You can receive hint points depending on how long you have the application installed.

Scoring is based on time and the number of attempts on guessing the right country.
Also once you solved the level, you may learn more information about the country.

Coin Trivia Quiz
Coin Trivia Quiz
Developer: CIDD
Price: Free

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